mercredi 29 février 2012

I'm sorry for not being in the mood of writing these days. I'm just so tired and yeah, tired.
The worst is today. Actually I couldn't stir from my bed and I've decided not to go to school in my dreamy head. I had so hard headache and cough.
I have no energy.
But finally, I wake up and ready for swimming.
Ya, today we swam.
I would die.
16 longeurs.

In biochimie today, we did the surgery thingy with MOULES.
I forgot how to say it in English, sorry.
Ive been to Oxfam today, wish I could work there. Please God, I dunno where to go anymore.
Please, I beg to You.

I need to sleep sleep sleep !

Song of the day : All Queen's song !
Im a new fan !

lundi 27 février 2012

Désolé de n'avoir pas écrit depuis 5 jours.
Aujourd'hui on a commencé l'école et ça a été bien passé
Franchement, il y a beaucoup de devoir à fair !
Je me sens pas très bien. Je pense.. je sera malade :(
Je vais écrire en Indonésien, d'acc ?


Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Untungnya sore diantar ke stasiun, ga usah nenteng koper naik bus.
Di rumah Nilta makan, nonton sinetron bahasa Belanda (dia tinggal di Leuven, Flanders) dan bercerita ria.
Gila ya, ternyata Nilta itu sealiran sm aku. Dia nyiptain lagu juga !
Menemukan makhluk sejenis :D
Band-band yang aku dengerin juga nyaris sama semua kayak yang dia dengerin
Btw host sistnya dia itu jago bikin origami, jadi dia diajarin
Bikin anting, hiasan dkk pake origami dan dijual
Keren yo.. Kalo mau lihat fotonya ada di fesbuk, dia ngasih kado origami buat Chandrika dan Fahmi.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Bangun ga telat tapi siap2 nyantai. Jadi mepet banget sama kedatangan bus.
Kamera Nilta ketinggalan semenit sebelum bus datang, untung sempat diambil.
Baru kali ini naik kereta ke stasiun Anvers (Antwerp). Lebih modern Liège sih, tapi ini kayak di harry potter gitu, kuno dan besar
Ketemu deh sama Fahmi, ke Belanda !
Perjalanannya 2 jam. Setelah naruh barang di hotel Liberty (tepatnya rumah) kita jalan ke Grand Place lalu ke Rumah Ann Frank.
Aku mau cerita tapi aku kehilangan kemampuan berbahasa. Intinya bagus dan menyedihkan, rumah si Ann Frank. Aku kudu nemu bukunya di perpus Indonesia nanti. Soalnya yang aku baca di sini itu bukan diarinya dia, tapi sahabatnya..
Di Amsterdam kebanyakan kami makan fastfood soalnya juauuuuh lebih murah dari di Belgia. Jauh uh uh.
Malemnya kita ke Red District. Kawasan prostitusi gitu tapi banyak banget kok sekeluarga sama anak-anak yang jalan di situ. Pengen tau kita.
Jadi banyak cewek-cewek yang memajang dirinya (nggak sampe bugil) di etalase gitu, lampunya merah. Serem.
Padahal deket banget sama gereja Oede Kerk. Dua dunia yang begitu berbeda tapi sebelahan.
Kebanyakan kita liat-liat toko sih, apalagi si Fahmi juga doyan shopping jadi dia ga ngomel jalan bareng kita :))
Malemnya kita curhat-curhat di Grand Place :-)

Jumat, 24 Feb 2012

Sarapan di hotel Liberty itu lucu, ngambil sesuka hati layaknya rumah sendiri. Ternyata google map di iPad lo bisa jalan tanpa Wi-Fi, suangar. Tapi berat jadi pake peta.
Kita ke Albert Cuyp Market di seberang sana, jalan kaki 40 menit haha.
Lucu-lucu banget toko bajunya, sestyle banget sama aku sama Nilta.
Tapi.... dompetnya Fahmi kecopet. Kasian bet, speechless deh pokoknya. Waktu itu dia lagi antri mau beli minum dan ternyata udah ga ada dompetnya, mana besoknya dia ultah.
Niat mau makan di restoran Indonesia, Sari Citra terlaksana tapi suasananya gak enak gitu. Sedih pokoknya
Tapi habis ke Rijsk Museum dan Van Gogh Museum ceria lagi :) Di Van Gogh ada konser opening pameran yang sumpah keren abiiiiiiis bis bis bis. Cewek main biola, cello, piano tapi efeknya sangar banget. DJnya juga. Filmnya juga :)
Sebelum makan malem, kita udah ke kantor polisi.

Sabtu, 25 Feb 2012

Ketemuan sama Shinta dan Faya (Belanda) dan Chandrika. Kita ke Madame Tussaud. Muahal, 16 euro padahal museum lain ga ada yang semahal itu. Rencananya mau ketemu mas Haris AFS Sby tapi beliau sedang ada urusan jd next time deh.
Trus acara ultahnya Fahmi dan Chandrika, as always selalu mengharukan :)
Trus balik deh ke Belgia. Si Faya ikut, dia kan mau nginep rumah Nilta.
Mana hape yang isi jadwal kereta dan stasiun buat transit mati, jd aku SMS thomas, untung dibales.
Cuapek bangetngetnget. 2 jam perjalanan pindah-pindah kereta.
Mana malemnya kudu ke konser gitar di rumah Isabelle. Bagus sih.
Ndewo gitu masnya.

Aku upload foto yang pengen kuupload aja ya, nyicil, malas eh hahaha
tapi di fb udah..

Ini kerjaan semasa liburan karnaval kemarin :

mercredi 22 février 2012

Je suis chez Nilta maintenant :) on a parlé beaucoup et je me sens très bien.
Sa famille est Nederlandophone et alors on a regardé la télé en Nederlaandais :))
Ils sont vraiment gentilles et ainsi, ils parlent bien anglais

J'ai fini tous les devoirs d'anglais aujourd'hui :D c'est vraiment beaucoup
Après midi, j'étais chez Ayma
En fait pour reprendre mon argent mais finalement je l'a aidé de préparer son transport à bruxelles AirPort demain. Elle va rencontrer sa maman à Zurich, Suiss -,-
Well, good luck with that..

Je ne sais pas quoi écrire encore..
On va partir tôt demain matin.
Je suis très excitée !!!

Song of the day : Minipop - Butterfly

mardi 21 février 2012


Bon, je suis crevée et je dois à bientôt faire dodo.

J'étais en forme quand je suis partie à Huy et je descendais devant College St. Quirin mais j'étais vraiment bête que j'ai turné à droite vers St. German, pas à gauche
Et alors je me suis tromphée de trouver le petit chemin avec l'escalier dont on peut directement aller à la gare. Je suis allée avant et pour la deuxième fois, je suis allée trop loin -,-
Quel sport. Plus un sac lourd avec l'appareil photo dedans.
Finallement je suis arrivée à la gare. J'ai dû y aller tout seul parce que Hannah, elle a ratée son bus pour aller à Huy. Tant pis

J'ai rencontré Audrey et alors nous nous sommes assis ensemble jusqu'à Namur Elle a voulu aller là-bas pour le truc d'université.
J'ai changé mon train à La Louviere Sud et a trové Hannah dans le train.
à la gare de Binche, on a trouvé Julia et bcp de gens AFS et Rotary

On a mangé et regardé bcp de gens avec les costumes de Gillet et ses amis. Genial. J'aimais bien l'atmosphère. En fait, aujourd'hui est le Mardi Gras. On a fait le Carnaval pour être prêt de faire 40 jours avant Pacques ou il faut limiter de boire et des choses comme ça ( pantangan ).
Le plus important serait passé à 15h mais il a commencé plus tard. Heuressement on a visité le musée du Carnaval qui est juste à côté de la Grande Place de Binche.
Le pier était.. il n'yavait plus de batterie dans mon appareil photo.
Bien -,- Il est lourd, quand même.

Je suis rentrée avec Hannah et j'ai pris le bus 45 à 18.25
J'ai pris le mauvaise train de Louviere. J'ai pris celui qui aurait allé à Charleroi -,-
Alors j'ai dû encore changer mais quand même j'ai réussi à rentrer jusqu'à Huy.
Quelle journée. Fatigant. J'ai preparé mes affaires pour demain, je vais dormir chez Nilta à Louvain
Et le lendemain matin on va aller à Amsterdam :)

Bonne nuit à tous !
Bon Carnaval !

Je vais mettre tous les photos, je promis. Mais pas maintenant. :D

lundi 20 février 2012

Ma tête oh ma tête :))

Je me suis levée tôt ce matin à 8h, je ne sais pas pourquoi.
Toujours en ma petite tête indonesiénne qui est habituée comme ça.
Après dejeuner j'ai regardé un peu la télé et lu le livre Le Petit Prince depuis au debut mais avec Google traducteur afin que j'ai tout compris. Beaucoup mieux.

Après diner, Simsim, Chloé, Sara et moi, Nous sommes allées à Liège parce que Sara a dû faire qqc à l'hôpital et Chloé a dû trouver qqc à la bibliotheque. Je suis allée à bibli avec Chloé et J'ai adoré la bibli de Liège. Je peux rester là-bas toute la nuit si c'est possible :p
On était là pour environ 1h, j'ai vite lu des livres d'Art qui sont vraiment genials. Livres partout :)

Et tu sais quoi, on peut aussi emprunter le CDs !!!!! Jazz, Classique.. Tout !
Je me suis demandée quand il y aura aussi en indonésie. Peut-être il y en a à Jakarta. Je ne sais pas. Peut-être ce sera moi qui va construire -,-
Puis on a fait le magasins un peu. Hihihi tout est nouveau pour collection d'été. Genial.
On est ainsi allées au supermarché et Chloé, Sara et moi, nous avons acheté 'kinder surprise' !
Chocolat en forme d'oeuf qui a le truc de Barbapapa (un animé) dedans.
Et c'est moi qui a reçu ! J'étais tellement excitée comme une petite fille de 5ans.. ça a fait longtemps que je ne me suis sens comme ça :D
Mais le surprise de Chloé et Sara sont aussi cool. Petite voiture qui peut rouler tout seul et une (brush) avec des couleurs.

On a bien mangé ce soir. Nyamnyam je dois apprendre à cuisiner bcp de choses :p
Puis j'ai regardé Disney (j'oublie comment dis en français même en anglais) avec Sara dans sa chambre, dans le noir hahaha j'adore !
Et... demain je vais aller au Carnaval de Binche avec mes amis AFS.
Je vais rencontrer Hannah (USA) et Julia (Finland) et Luis (Amerique Latin)
J'éspere que ce sera chouette ! :D et j'ai preparé mes affaires pour aller aux Pays Bas. Finalement on ne pourra pas loger chez Fahmi à Anvers parce que il va rentrer tard ce jour là.

Chanson de la journée : Francis Cabret. Je n'écoute plus de musique avec des écouteurs. Alors je n'ai pas envie d'écouter beaucoup :p

Merci Dieu pour tout :)
Bless us all

Ah oui,

Sebenarnya apa motivasi saya menulis blog setiap hari dengan niat :
1. Tidak ingin melalui hari-hari di sini dengan sembarangan asal lewat angin kanan kiri. Tapi betul-betul menghayati setiap detik yang ada.
2. Kalaupun dalam sebuah hari saya gagal melakukan sesuatu untuk orang lain di sini, saya masih bisa melakukan satu hal melalui tulisan-tulisan saya. Mungkin orang yang iseng-iseng membaca bisa terinspirasi :D
3. Senantiasa bersyukur.

Bonne nuit à tous ! Dormez bien :)

dimanche 19 février 2012

En français, d'accord ? Sans aide de google traducteur.

Je suis allée à Louvain avec Chandri et Nilta aujourd'hui. Il y avait une fête d'indonésien à Damian Centrum.
Normalement le train jusqu'à Louvain est direct mais ce matin j'ai dû le changer et heuressement j'ai compris ce que le monsieur m'a dit.
Grace au GSM génie de Chandri, on a reussit de trouver le lieu. Il y avait une dame indonésienne qui a parlé aux nous de sa voiture et nous a montré le chemin.
Elle est très gentille. En plus, je pensais que c'était seulement nous qui ont eu des aires bizzares. Pas les autres. On était tellement excitées à cause des aliments indonésiens : soto ayam, sate ayam, lontong, pempek, siomay, bubur ketan hitam, cendol. Trop cool ! J'ai acheté soto ayam qui était vraiment petit hahaha mais pas mal.
J'ai parlé beaucoup avec un couple d'italien qui ont habité en indonésie il y a 5 ans. On a parlé en anglais et indonésien, même français. Ils ont parlé bien indonésien quand même !
Et puis, on a regardé un film documentaire sur le construction après tsunami Aceh qui a duré 2,5 heures. Le titre est Playing Between Elephants. Pas trop magnifique, mais bon de toute façon c'était pas mal.
J'ai demandé une question sur le problème major et qu'est-ce que il voudra faire en changement.
Il était la, le réalisateur.
Il y avait beaucoup de gens et seulement moi et chandri qui habitent à Wallonie. Hahha
Tout le monde parle Néerlandais.
On a parle avec le chef de PPI Belgia (Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia) qui maintenant est en train de faire ses etudes S3 à Louvain (Bio-engineering!!!!!) et il nous a dit, c'était tellement facile à trouver une bourse d'études en Belgique et c'est bcp moins cher que aux Pays Bas.
Bffff je veux bien revenir et faire mes etudes ici !
Mais oui, je dois trouver la bourse d'études si non... ce sera difficile.

On a eu très faim après regarder le film puis on a acheté qqc à Panos mais il n'y avait rien que gateaux au chocolat qui n'était pas trop bon. Mais bon, grace à Dieu j'ai pu toujours manger, hein ?!
Il y avait un problème avec mon train. On a dû attendre 20 minutes dans le froid à la gare de Landen.
Mais..  après j'étais hereusse. On a mangé des frites et du poulet aujord'hui.
Il y avait Maxime et Chlochlo. Sara est chez Elisse. Quentin est toujours à Liège.
Pour demain, je ne sais pas encore quoi faire.
Mais je veux bien encore jouer du piano chez Didier.
Je dois absolument faire mon calcul d'argent :p

Je vais mettre les photos d'aujourd'hui demain. Je n'ai pas envie de le faire maintenant.
Je m'éxcuse d'avoir écrit en français mais je veux bien !
A mon avi, je n'ai pas encore bien parlé. Grrrr c'est complique.
C'est presque comme jouer du violon. Le chose qui était dans ta tête peut être different quand tu parles.
Il faut pratiquer pratiquer et pratiquer.

Fahmi va partir en Allemagne demain matin et returner à Anvers mercredi soir. Quelle chance ! Mais à cause de ça on ne pourra loger chez lui. Il faut partir d'abord de Louvain à Anvers -,-
Je ne sais pas.

Chanson de la journée : Je n'ai rien écouté aujourd'hui
J'ai appris : Ne soyez pas de panique. Tout va bien ;)

samedi 18 février 2012

Actually I wanted to upload 2 photos but it doesn't work, mec.

I wake up at 8 because I gotta be online. Had so many weird dreams in these 2 days.
Being a professional ice skater -,- and backpacker -,-
After lunch, I went to Didier & Fabienne's house to play pia pia pia pia no !
It's been 3 months I don't play it.
I played 3 hours non stop, I studied : Moonlight Sonata that I've studied in Indonesia but I compeletely forgot and perhaps now I forget it, again.
Same with Pathetique Sonata, I don't remember at all. Hell yeah, I've studied it for a month and I just Puff! blew it out of my mind.
Intro Thousand miles away and If I Ain't Got You.
But.. The Swan (the one I've studied with the music score) I remember.
The conclusion is, Kak Fengky is right. When you study with music score, you'll remember it much longer than by hearing or copying.
But I hate sight reading.
I don't like counting beats. Gaaah.
Then I read many books of Arts and Fabienne played me classic music. J'adore.
A cloudy and wet day, stay at home with yellow lights, the sound of drizzle in the middle of my favourite CDs, reading something. Aaaaah. Heaven..

I chatted with nyanya and many YES AFS students this morning :D
And with mas Haris AFS. We'll meet at Amsterdam on Saturday. Magic.
There'll be only a bus tomorrow, so Eric will drive me to Waremme train station
Wish the Indonesian stuff in Louvain would be great and all my transportations went well.

There's Anggun on TV today, she'll be singing at Eurovision as French candidate with the song : You and I
She speaks French with a little cute accent :)) me too
Good luck, Anggun !

Song of the day : Anggun - You and I
i love this photo

Naoki (Japan), Julia (Finland), Me, Claudia (Bolivia)

vendredi 17 février 2012



What a day. As always in the morning I always be on fire, then slowly go down
I couldn't do math test integral well. TT
Wish I wouldn't get 0.
I know I didn't study hard :(
But I was so tired this week, no matter how hard I study, it couldn't enter my head.
There's a lot of absents today. The teachers too.
No geo no french.
At midi, I was with debo, Joachim and friends
I really wanted to go home and skip Physique, but Alix reminded me to be a good student :D
En plus, she has a bf now.

I was rejected by red cross today. Alix went with me, well in fact she didnt help but it's really kind of her. She's going to Italy today afterschool.
To Venice!!!!!
I went to library, as always for waiting the bus.
I read Egypt's ancien for hours!

Sara is at Odile's bday party, Simsim's having a dinner with lab., eric is still working, Chloé and quentin Will go home tomorrow.
So here we are, me and Thomas, eating Lasagna for dinner. Nguk
Tomorrow Im going to go to Fabienne's house, I need piano!!!

Song of the day : White shoes & the couples company - senandung maaf

jeudi 16 février 2012

Akhir-akhir ini ingin posting pakai bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar *Efek Rangga :))


Lalalalalalalalala aku cinta paduan suaraaaa
Jadi istirahat aku ngomong sama Charlotte, gilak jawabannya pendek2 abis, jd gw tinggal aje beli kartu pos buat Eric di USA. Lanjut ke tempat les2an prancis.
Suasana gedungnya gak enak banget,nget,nget.
Dan orang2nya.. Mimpi buruk.
Udah tua2, ngomong bahasa daerah masing2.
Ini mah pasar ternak. Kurkur.
Nggak mood, setengah jam abis buat ngabsen doang.
Gurunya jutek pula, waktu ditanya ada yg mau klas loncatan débutant ya ngacung.
Klo g ada klasnya, ga bakalan gw ikut. 12 jam per minggu Man.
30 org per kelas. Gile aje.
Jd telat pel mat, padahal besok ul. Btw hr ini Odils ultah, tk kasih gelang hehe.
Mat aku duduk sbelah Sophie, sama2 sakit otot perut gara2 senam hutan kemaren --"
Senam rimba.

Pas pelajaran agama yg kebetulan sdg membahas agama ekstrim oriental dan islam-nasrani gw jelasin hindu panjang lebar. Helooo kami bukan polythéisme loh. Jgn salah.
Wktu jelasin tentang moksa, diktawain sm gengnya Dylan.
Tp aku ga marah. Hebaaaaaat. Efek renungan udah mancep nih.
Slama berjalan di jalanNya, g peduli diapain org, tancap bro.
Barusan aku membunuh serangga yg beterbangan di kamarku. Maaaaaaf TT
Duuuuh gak enak.

Pulskul legrek. Tiduuur bentar. Tp bsk ul mat jd sebelum latihan belajar.
Suram. Mendung bikin murung.
Tp hbs nyanyi2 hepi lagi.

Masak lo, lat hari ini gara2 aku nyanyinya bener, aku disuruh gantiin Ann di depan
Huahaha :)
Tp enggak lah yaaa.. Lagunya indah lo. Doña Nobis.
Minggu d pan ada lat, tp kan aku ke Belanda, amin.

Yasudah, besok harus siap jam 7, Sabine ga kerja, kudu naik bis.
Kudu ke Crois Rouge (PMI) nyari kerjaan. Smoga diterimaaaa

Song of the day : Dona Nobis :)
Lesson : cara ngirit duit yg ampuh : ga usah bawa duit lebih dr 2€ ke skolah, paling untung dapet permen coklat 2 biji.
Prayer :
Lancarkanlah segalanya ya Tuhan. Bantulah aku untuk hidup di dalamMu, mencerminkanMu Dan hidup dalam pencintraanMu.
Smoga aku diterima kerja sosial di PMI. Lancar.

mercredi 15 février 2012

Dengung, dering dan senandung
Katut lekat pada kaki di bawah mendung
Beku tersandung
Rindu yang menggema di semua ruas relung
Rindu yang tak terbendung


:D Maaf saya kemarin tidak posting, enggak mood.
Ditambah ada acara The Voice Belgique di tipi (semacam indonesian idol) jadi nonton deh.
Kemarin banyak yang bawa bunga di bis dan di skolah. Uuu cocwit. Marine juga dapet terus kebingungan nyari botol minum tak berpemilik buat vas.
Jadi inget dulu pas dikasih bunga krisan di kolong meja :))
Yah intinya saya sudah pernah mengalami pahit dan manis palentin.
Saya tdk berpihak juga tidak mencemooh.
Hak semua orang mau suka atau mau menolak dengan alasan gak guna atau perlindungan dari pengharapan belum terjawab atau kekecewaan periodik.
Btw aku bilang ke temen2 kmaren hari jadi pernikahannya mami papi, pada heboh katanya imut
Haha. Aku juga gambar beruang, aku tempel di kulkas, uimut, udah tak foto tapi males masukin.

Hari ini capek gilak. Olahraganya brutal
3x latfisnya PSGS, tema hari ini mengencangkan otot perut.
Biochimie di Lab. Komp lagi, aku log in pake passwordnya Antoine, maap teman
Besok aku bilang deh hehe. Kimia bikin laporan titrasi.

Kehujanan waktu pulang, badan udah anget nih.
Mana kemaren headsetku jatuh di genangan air. Hiks. Masa kudu beli.
Headset merusak telinga bung.

Pulskul nonton the voice lagi, blajar mat
Mbulet... Jumat ul.
Trus.... Iseng searching2 lagu, pengen nyetel melly goeslaw yg lawas2
Eh ada AADC, akhirnya aku nonton AADC
Mewek. Aku kok gampang bgt tersentuh film Dan lagu se. Btw Rangga so sweet kyaaaa
Dian sastro cantik ya.. Cantik indonesia..
Aku habis gini mau ngomong pake saya-kamu ah sm nyanya. Habis klo sm org lain ntar diketawain hehe
Lagu ngene sitik tes tes.
Drdulu aku pengen jadi pembuat vidéoclip. Hahaha, kakehan cita2.
Trus nggambar sampe juling dan pusing bgt. Akhir2 ini suka pusing bgt di jam2 terakhir..

Yasudah ya.. Ototku udah kebanyakan asam laktat
Selamat malam.

Song of the day : Melly Goeslaw - Denting
Hikshiks.. Wajib dengerin
Besok lancar daftar les prancisnya (kta alix aku lo ga perlu les :p)

lundi 13 février 2012

C'est déjà le 14 février en Indonésie, presque.

Chanson de la journée : Lara Fabien - Pas sans toi
Merci à Madamme Frederic d'avoir fait 'Café Litteraire' pendant le cours de français aujourd'hui!
ça m'a fait plaisir de parler et bien sûr de boire du chocolat chaud :p

samedi 11 février 2012

Samedi samedi samedi !

I was so hungry all night long cause.. last night I watched one tree hill :p
No relations. Bip bip.
So at 9h30 I jumped and got my bowl of honeypops !
Had a long lovely conversation with Eric, seeing the birds flew down to eat the grains, fighting the winter in our very window.
I did my english-french vocab bank and searched Amsterdam's things
After lunch, there's a call from mama and mbak dina :))
Then I went online.
It's unfair. Only nyanya who could hear my voice but I heard nothing..
:)) okay, he's my best bestfriend ever and ever ! ;)
I had a chat with Nopek too :)
I decided to take Jacqueline's Book for Monday's book discussion in French class.
So I've done the draft.
I wish I could be a writer like her with all my might !

Well well well
How rich I am in blessings, aren't I ?
And.. Take care of yourself, won't you ?

Song of the day : Minipop - Fingerprints

vendredi 10 février 2012

Another long conversation with my second mom :)


This is such a dreamlike day.
We had no history so I spent an hour drawing and everybody said it was cute.
I know my drawings are strange. But that's why I draw. Illustration for kids' book. Amen.
I don't wanna be an artist who creates the-creation-of-Adam thingy in my stuffs.
I thought I did math well even I forgot the vocabulary.
I defined delta X2 by le largeur relative du rectangle 2! Au lieu de : le largeur RESPECTIVE.
At midi I walked around the city with Isabelle and Deborah.
Accompanied isa buying her sandwich, buying Dutch Journal and taking her dad's trousers in a shop. Then I finally went to Fortis ATM.
Déborah offered to give a help to do it. But I successfully did it like Ive done it 100 times.
I dunno why now I feel people are responding my attitude. Now they talk a lot, smile a lot, much more friendly and those doors open.

Then I bought a chocolat chaud and stupidly drank it like a baby, spoiled one of my favorite cloth.
Even I've been suggested not to come to physique class and just go home directly at midday..
I went, anyway.
Thanks Alix for reminding me to be a good student :))
Afterschool I went to a café with her. I bought an expresso Indonesian 2€ ! Actually I wanted to limit my expenses :p
And Alix bought a yummy chocolate cake like in the TV,with chocolate melting everytime you
bite it. She didnt like the vanilla ice cream so she gave it to me !
Quel chance ! :)) we talked for hours ! She cried when I talked about how fast time goes..
I know she is really fragile but she's my bestfriend :))
Then here came Deborah and Aurelien. Ive never talked with Aurélien before. He's cool !
Sara stayed in Huy so I take the bus 16h30 alone. Tant pis!

As always we ate pasta for dinner but today It was Sara who made it ! With tuna.
Tonight there was a program on TV about a hotel in Bali :))
Now I want to watch One Tree Hill :)) before I sleep. And read Little Women.
Isabelle was impressed when I told her that I read it. Have I told you if she's half English half belgian ? That's why I adore her English accent.

En plus, Nilta and Fahmi have got the permission to go to Netherland. We have booked a little cottage. So I hope everything goes well.
On 19th, there Will be an activity with PPI (Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia) I forgot where. There will be an Indonesian film playing and Indonesian food bazar.
Suppose to go !

Song of the day : White Shoes & The Couples Company - Sabda Alam
What Ive learned today : Be sure when you're right. Stay on your way.
Prayer :
Sweet dreams. I can go chez Didier to play piano.
It's been a long long time ago.

Don't mind me, I'm happy as a cricket here :))
Normal teenager's life. En plus, no private lessons after school.
I don't understand why I used to love having private lessons even on Sundays in Indonesia.
I should have lost my head, à cette époque là !

jeudi 9 février 2012

Lovely Life.
This is like all that I want.


No one wanna host an exchange student next year. To be honest, okay I want that Tshirt too.
Hahaha. I haven't told you yet, one AFS t-shirt for one family and the one who find the most will get a photo tab.
If I get it, I will sell it and buy a polaroid >:))

First 5 minutes in salle d'étude spent by talking with Pauline. I didn't understand her very well. She spoke like whispered hoho.
Then here came Rémy so as always talk talk talk.

Bio was sucking complicated. Well not really but the others spent at least a paper, me ? Short answer.
We discussed about philosophy of Sartre in french. Quel intelligence !
I wish we talked about this kind of things in Indo.

Midi I was with Joachim Isabelle Alix Valentine Arnaud
Im going to fortis with Isa tomorrow. i wish.
Fortis is a bank. T'inquiète.

While waiting for math, Sara polished my nails with Ann France's nail polish
Love the colour hhaha.
I got 15,5/16 for math homework so when I asked for the correction paper, Mme Detaille said I had no need of it. sniff sniff. I wish I could do tomorrow's test well.
Religion was a big success too.
Yippie !

Afterschool with Sara and Odile (she's having her bday nextweek) I went to the candy shop.
Sara bought me a mini chocolat d'or. Nyam
I'm screaming for Twix !!!

Well, I never think of any reward but to be loved :))
I just wanna thank Him. Ups. I just wanna thank God (God has no sex!) over and over !

There's so many tasks and tests at this moment.
Mais ne t'inquiète pas, no matter how busy and grumpy or happy I might be, I'll never forget to post :p well, I hope !

Song of the day : Mocca - Lucky Me
What ive learned the day : Always lock your toilet door !!!
I can understand physique
Chandrika's fam life goes well.
Tout va bien !

Merci Dieu 0:)
O yea, I had a kind of nightmare lastnight. It has been so long since the last time I had a plotted dream.
So sweet dreams, tonight !

mercredi 8 février 2012

Nyam nyam nyam nyam
Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat.
Should I continue reading Little Women or watching One Tree Hill ?
Do what you wanna do !
I wanna do both of them.


The zumba dance course was amazing.
I wanna join dance class in Indonésie this year.
So remember it, i'll join volley and danse ! Uuu yeah
You know, the fitness man was the same man of last week. Il est génial ! Très très sportif et motivé.
Biochimie we went to informatique lab to search some surgery things for next experiments
Yeaaaah i want to do it so much !
Alix doesn't. How can she be a doctor, then ?
Chimie.. Lil bit frustrating. That teacher is horrible.
Elle est méchante, i said to Remy in the lab coat room when suddenly the teacher submerged right behind us. UPS.

Après l'école, I accompanied Odile looking for dance training au marche.
She's beautiful like in a fashion magazine. En plus, she is a dancer !
I always want to have a friend with blond hair, and now I do :)
I bought les frites, to be honest McD's french fries are better :p

O yeah, today's Thomas' birthday
I think he like the gift. I wish.

Delicious dinner. I could be such a fussy girl.
I am not serious, i am not shy, i am not calm. Du tout.
It's just a first impression.

I have tried to understand bio maladie génétique for tomorrow's test in the middle of indonesian call ;)
I dont know why i wanted to send an SMS to Mahes.
So I did. Ups :))
I have to sleep now.
And the bad news is.. There won't be choir practice demain. Encore !

Song of the day : Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone
Question of the day : Nathan Scott or Lucas Scott ?
Big yes for Nathan Scott hell yeah !
What ive learned today : Tulus mbak, tulus :))
Prayer :
Nice thursday :D

mardi 7 février 2012

I just wanna say
I got 15,5/20 and 8,5/10 in english
With a little note from Mme radelet
Bravo !
Bcp de progrès en français et tu as recherché tout les mots !

Song of the day : club 8 - this is the morning
Prayer :
God give me strength, give us strength to go through all this
Tomorrow's zumba dance will be great !

En fait, im not in the mood of writing :p because of religion's homework. Crazy.

Sorry dad mom i didnt answer my phone yesterday, i didnt hear it..
Just call tomorrow at 2 or 3
20 or 21 WIB

lundi 6 février 2012

Nothing can be as beautiful as.. a picturesque view of a land of snow showered with sunshine of February.
Well, perhaps you.
Or me, in your eyes ?


I can say that AFS weekend camp gave me motivation. I had had it, but AFS gave more.
So anyway, thanks.
I remembered when I walked to bus stop with Azusa yesterday with those heavy bags I screamed :
Kaaameeehaaaameeehaaaaaa... And she was surprised then bursted out laughing so loud :))

Today after being surprised by the 'morning man' Eric sitting in the black sofa below the yellow light, I ate my honeypoops breakfast without sitting. I leaned on the heater.
Cause the big one is broken. He sat there because he's cold too.
Then he laughed at my O face.

Sara went to the hospital today to get some injection so I was alone walking to school.
And yeah! Monsieur Hercot n'était pas là ! Yipppiiie
While alix was finishing her TFE I distracted her by telling stories
Hahaha but she didnt mind, hein ;)
I told her that I had chosen both her and chandrika to be my AFS coaches who... Just say my cheerleaders. And elle a trouvé que c'est trop mignon :))

I told Eloïse Fio Arnaud that i had started watch one tree Hill. They like Les Freres Scott.
So does Sara.
And today's English test was so damn complicated :( can't imagine tomorrow's CA test..
And I got only 6/10 for weather vocab banks :(

I haven't done math devoir because I had to be online afterschool.
I couldn't make the fire in the fire place and that's so stupid, so Thomas told me how :))
H-2 de son anniversaire !

After dinner, I read the book Avril et La Poison. I almost gave up yesterday, but today I had a real good focus so I understand it well !

Ive finished the newsletter and I'll send it tomorrow.
So.. Have a deep sleep everybody !

I'm cruel, sometimes I laugh everytime I remember the accent of my AFS friends while speaking in french :)) maybe mine is funny to for them.
But les espagnols, they said they adored my accent :))
Aaaah I wish I could speak Spanish.

Song of the day : Love me love me say that you love me fool me fool me go on and fool me I can't care bout anything but you
The Cardigans - Love Fool
What ive learned today : Glad to know.. Balou loves me :) it jumped next to me on the sofa.. Ask me to stroke its fur. Its brown eyes are so beautiful.
Well I have no other guy to stroke, do I ? :))
Prayer :
Bio test savoir sera bien, anglais aussi
Everything is gonna be okay.

Hey, let's loosen our robe.

dimanche 5 février 2012

Hey I'm home.


This AFS demi séjour weekend was great yet exhausting!!!
Saturday morning Eric drove me and Ayma to Ferme du Chateau à Charleroi
We chose the room for 8 people
For Nisa and the gank and Chandrika
But.. We were all mixed. With the Chinese girls.

I have lot of new friends :)
Azusa and Naoki from Japan. Miriam and Claudia from Bolivia.
Julia from Finland. Great :)

And one of my dream had been accomplished.
I had russian friends :D
Theyre so cool

So we were divided into groups
For sharing, games bla-bla
We felt like a lil bit at home. We found others who have almost thé same problems.

The bad thing was I can't sleep cause thé girls in my room talked until 2h du matin
And we didnt use our sleeping bags and sleeping kits.
I had to bring that heavy stuffs, walked 20 minutes today to the bus station.
Hell pegaaaal. En plus this feminine sickness was a real agony.

I found myself talk and share a lot.
Bravoooo !

There's a boy who is really similar to my friend Arief
Ive taken a photo with him. T'inquiète.
Can't wait to go to Japan someday.. Or maybe we can start from Bruxelles cause Azusa lives there.

Bonne nuit !

Song of the day : les chansons pendant la chaisse musicale :))
What ive learned : pencobaan2 ini adalah pencobaan2 biasa yg ga melebihi kekuatan manusia. So just make the best of this!
Okay, i'm a serious girl. Chandrika had explained to me.
But that's me :))
Prayer :
Give me strength and keep me holding Your hands.
Take me to the right paths.
Let me shine.
Cause You're shine on me :)

vendredi 3 février 2012

I know this is such a busy week
And I don't know why I have my brain empty
I even think about nothing in car, in bus. Strange.
I just.. don't really care. I just wanna make me enjoy every second I have.
Not being stuck in my brain.


Special menu of today is sharing session in Geo lesson because of twins, friends of us, who rarely come to school. Now they begin. They had family problems, I guess.
So he needs help and a little care, not a bucket of egoisme.
I just wanna do cheerliar or something like that to this school. Scks.
I shared my difficulties in integrating as an exchange student. I wish it could encourage him.
I love this kind of sharing. Sitting in a circle and talk. Seeing a lot of different emotions in people's eyes.
An under pressure condition for the hypocrites back stabbers who can only zip their mouths in silence mode.

I was so stupid in physic test :(
This is because of  express formula memorizing with no deep comprehension.
I got 3,5 sur 10 for English text CA. But it's complicated :(
There is also the ones who got 1 and 2.
But I don't want ittttt. Dmn.
So did bio, yesterday. I didn't understand what the questions wanted to.Whyyyy
I should have been asking the teacher again.
Why could I be so that fool.
Hey stop blaming yourself.

I stayed with Isa etc at midi. Hmm
Afterschool as always I have to wait 2 hours at bibli.
But I spent it talking with Alix, she stayed just for accompany me !
:D I can say, she's the best bestfriend I've ever had!
I was longing to have cups of chocolat chaud in that café, but I MUST keep my money.

I've packed my stuffs for tomorrow AFS orientation.
It's so cold now I wanna sleep

Song of the day : -
What Ive learned today : Stop blaming myself but it's strange.
It's like I am back to Blossom.
You know all of this melancholic influence came from my guitar teacher and snrs.
They're to be blame !
But now I've refound.
Prayer : Great AFS weekend. Worth.

jeudi 2 février 2012

Je m'excuse d'être une fille si imaginerée et abstraite.


Je n'ai aucune idée quoi écrire.
Bonne fête ! Crêpes.
Grace à petit Jesus.
Ah oui, je devient la prof de chinois aujord'hui.
Arrête de penser que tout les asiatiques parlent chinois.

Chanson de la journée : Toutes des REM
Priere :
Bio pas mal, physique demain non plus
Tout bien reussit !
Simsim va venir nous chercher demain. S'il te plait...

Tout va bien..

mercredi 1 février 2012

Yippie yippie yippie yaaaaay !

ça fait -10°C aujord'hui. Brrrr freezing !
I walked to the fitness club that I thought 'Rénard' but in fact its name is Arona.
Hahahaha bad listening.
So we did the fix bike today (I dunno how to say it in english) for 60 minutes
Hosssssh. But the songs were good. There were 2 girls who asked me to move so that they could stay next to each other.
ça m'énerve !
But a kind girl got luck. I had a place near the window ! :D
With a picturesque view of Huy river, boats sailing.. Snow on the roofs..

In biochimie, that's only Alix and me who did the lab experiment in our group.
Rémy and Nicolas were like jerks who only commanded and sat calmly. Ugh.
That's me who set the pH meter, who searched all that tampon liquid and they just sat and giggled.
And you know what, at the end of the lab, Nicolas played with his pen so the beker glass fell, right to me.
Luckily, I'm okay. My skin stills well. I'll kill him.
He didn't even say sorry.
Gently, Mr Cute Cuitie washed my hand with cold water.
This is the second time Nico make such a big destruction to our experiment.
Again, luckily it'd been finished before that fool accident today. If not, I'd surely kill him.

Chimie was so boring I could die. I don't understand it. I need someone who can explain briefly.
But that prof is gonna leave us. YAY! Next week we'll do experiment with other new prof.

After school I had to wait Isabelle, Alix and Valentine. Déborah couldn't come.
I waited at library and borrowod 3 books.
I was s-t-a-r-v-i-n-g !
We bought pasta. I bought the big one.
Actually, I prefered to watch Hugo Cabret but Valentine wanted Puss in the boots.
6.50 euros for the ticket and I stupidly bough chocolate Maltese 2.50 euros.
What an extravagant girl ! :(
But a part of me said, It's okay, let yourself have fun. You're always spend money on buying gifts to others. Why do you feel so guilty just because of buying Maltese for yourself?
Pauvre petite.
It was funny, the film. But Shrek is much more better.
It finished at 15h30 so I had an hour to catch the bus.
So we went to the café near school and drank cups of hot chocolate :)
I love them so much.
You know what I've learned here ?
L'amitie. Friendships.
I've never had a real friends who I really sincerely trust and close.
But here I have them :) I wish I was true.
Isabelle even sent me a message tonight to say thanks
It should be me who say thanks :))
Tonight, we had pasta for dinner -,- :)) Eric is away for 3 days, having a retrait with his school

Song of the day : Lady Gaga - Marry This Night
What Ive learned today : Have a little fun for my own self without being guilty ;) I deserve it !
Prayer : Our friendship lasts forever
I can do the bio test tomorrow well.
Tomorrow will be great !

Do you know what is so special today?
It's the first of February !
What's on the first of February?
Nothing, I'm just happy about it ! Happy February !

and you know what?
Bonne chance, wstcc ! Love you so ! Im proud of you !