dimanche 5 février 2012

Hey I'm home.


This AFS demi séjour weekend was great yet exhausting!!!
Saturday morning Eric drove me and Ayma to Ferme du Chateau à Charleroi
We chose the room for 8 people
For Nisa and the gank and Chandrika
But.. We were all mixed. With the Chinese girls.

I have lot of new friends :)
Azusa and Naoki from Japan. Miriam and Claudia from Bolivia.
Julia from Finland. Great :)

And one of my dream had been accomplished.
I had russian friends :D
Theyre so cool

So we were divided into groups
For sharing, games bla-bla
We felt like a lil bit at home. We found others who have almost thé same problems.

The bad thing was I can't sleep cause thé girls in my room talked until 2h du matin
And we didnt use our sleeping bags and sleeping kits.
I had to bring that heavy stuffs, walked 20 minutes today to the bus station.
Hell pegaaaal. En plus this feminine sickness was a real agony.

I found myself talk and share a lot.
Bravoooo !

There's a boy who is really similar to my friend Arief
Ive taken a photo with him. T'inquiète.
Can't wait to go to Japan someday.. Or maybe we can start from Bruxelles cause Azusa lives there.

Bonne nuit !

Song of the day : les chansons pendant la chaisse musicale :))
What ive learned : pencobaan2 ini adalah pencobaan2 biasa yg ga melebihi kekuatan manusia. So just make the best of this!
Okay, i'm a serious girl. Chandrika had explained to me.
But that's me :))
Prayer :
Give me strength and keep me holding Your hands.
Take me to the right paths.
Let me shine.
Cause You're shine on me :)

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