vendredi 8 juin 2012

I am rendered quite speechless by the miracles these recent days.

In the morning I got my heart really warm  (Still because of the little surprise that Sara has given to me)
With hearty thanks and best wishes what else can I say but I love you too ? :)

English test.
DAMN It was a total nightmare, dude. The texts were so complicated and difficult and we all had to answer in french, of course comme d'habitude
But for Oral, It was really good, I think :)

I went to Boutique just to drop my winter stuffs and say hello then I met Ayma and other Rotary USA girls
Well I guess now my English is developped and destroyed in the same time.

I've just  made Macaroni Gratin today, panicly :P I hurried on in a flutter of suspense !
But It was not failed, with the helps of Eric et Quentin
I must read carefully how many times we should boil the pasta...
I need more more more practices :)
Luckily Sara, Chloé, Quentin and Maxime said it was yummy. Tant mieux, alors..

This weekend I'll focus on Math.
I'm tired.

Well, but internet tempt us away from our beds.

Bonne nuit.

Song of the day : The Carpenters - Those Good Old Dreams

*I LOVE THIS CAT SO MUCH. Now she's sleeping with me. I mean, IT is sleeping by my side.
Fin, elle est en train de dormir à côté de moi :)

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