mercredi 18 janvier 2012

Ça fait mal aux epaules..
À cause de jouer du volley ce matin. De tout façon, j'aime bien jouer du volley!


We were late for only 5 minutes today, because Sabine dropped us in the first bridge.
Ready with our training sport, really motivated to face the day.
The street was glacy, I almost stumbled. Lucky, I didn't.
Today we had to choose, volley or badminton.
I chose volley, and there were only 5 other girls who chose volley.
I like it. All I need is practicing. I think this is the only sport I can do.. A part de la natation et du badminton.. Hahaha
But Ive decided to join volley club at Smala this year..

Biochimie and chimie : do the experiments.
Even I stayed with the brainy people, dunno why they're always fail
To be honest, compared to smala students..
I think smala students are much more intelligent. More.
Gosh. Send us professional teachers.
But here, everyone understand well the concepts and ask ask ask
Like them

We finished earlier today and actually.. I wanted to buy the slaced boots..
And maybe a dress for next week

Afterschool i had lunch with Thomas then I did a lot of french exercices at
I downloaded lot of songs too. But yeah, the laptop isn't so well coorporated..
Sara had had her new vaio laptop. So cool :)
But.. We did n't have the permission to go to Antoine's bday party because.. Next week there'll be the 'soirée de rhetos' too.

I'm so tired I can't stir but I should go online for discussing the Carnaval Holiday.
Yesterday Marie tried to polish my nails with electric red. The boys said they prefered the natural girls.
And Remy said something so kind when he gave hais chocolaté
He said that he had only wanted to give it to me because there was only me who hadn't insist him and I was a girl well educated. Huahaha

Song of the day : R.E.M. - shiny happy people
What Ive learned today : watch out your way when you walk!
Prayer : Wish I could play volley better and better !
Tomorrow'd be a good day

I can't stand not saying it. I'm missing my Indonesian friends.
The ones I could laugh with,
I could share the same topic,
Know me well.

I found them here too but not many who really fit in. But those who are in indo, are NOT replacable.

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