mardi 13 décembre 2011

Half of my day was really really good then yeah, remained good
Breakfast, resized a superflous number of photos and succesfully uploaded them
Then I watched an old movie with Sara
I forgot the title but it was about the Jews and I saw the stripped pyjama thingy there and I directly remembered the book : The boy with stripped pyjama
I read it maybe 2 years ago.
That was a great book though,
And thé film was great too, even i can't understand all the french dialogue
And yeah, we cried. C'était triste, quand même !
Before watching it, i got a message from kanoon
There was a terrorist attack in Liege (but the man has died) and she's afraid of going there this thursday
So is Hannah.
But hey, the possibility of having such the same thing in 2 days is small, à mon avi
Except, they have a big terrorist 'family' like in indonesia
Hannah suggested to go to other city
But hey, do you think if we move we'll be having less risk?
Big no!
Eliminating risk is so that complicated?!

Eric was in the same line with me, facing this kind of thing
I hope my 2 friends can fight their scare
Mon Dieu, i have prepared that day !
Please, i want it so much
N'importe quoi

Thomas cooked the dinner and it was nice
He has the talent. We ate sushi too.

Now I wanna draw

The best thing of today is, I will get my pocket money soon!
They have sent it to afs belgique
Merci kak sri, Hélène and all the staffs.

Song of the day : billy gilman - everything and more
I can't stand the male singers like him :) and Andrea bocelli and Christian bautista
Because yeah, the ballad rythms and romantic lyric where the girl is the point of the song
Je trouve que c'est vraiment romantique. Absolument!
Je préfère le garçon qui chante les chansons comme ça que chante les chansons 'métal'
Ups :p

1 commentaire:

  1. Good writing and good grammar, keep practice writing in English and also French..;-)
